Attendee orientation / badge checker

There are two parts of this job. You will either be at the info booth where all attendees get their information or be stationed in the hallways to check for badges and help people in any way needed.

  • getting people into the rooms in time
  • telling people which way to go
  • check that people have and wear their badge
  • start small talk with people that seem lost
  • make sure no blockage appears
  • keeping everything clean and tidy
  • show people to sponsor booths
  • connect people to sponsors


Skills required

  • multitasking
  • feel free connecting with people
  • good eye for who needs some assistance
  • good English
  • empathy
  • feeling the crowd

Physical load

Walking, standing when you are in the hallways. Standing or sitting when you are at the booth. Walking the hallways happens by yourself, at the booth you are with a partner.

Responsible for

Being at info booth and roving hallways.

Reporting to

Hallway manager

Shift length

Half day

Preparation needed

Do a full tour of the venue and know where everything is, toilets, exits, emergency exits, fire extinguishers, rooms, entrance, lunch etc.
Always carry the booklet and have a charged phone.