Registration Wrangler

“Welcome to WordCamp Europe!” You are the first contact at the event for many of the attendees. You’ll be providing the first round of information about the event, you’ll be checking tickets and handing out badges.

Before handing out badges they need to be prepared which means you’ll make sure that they’re marked with the right stickers indicating dietary requirements. And you even may have to sort the badges alphabetically.


Skills required

  • good English (both speaking and spelling)
  • communication skills
  • stay cool in stressful situations (registration comes in one big peak at the beginning of the event)
  • be friendly and welcoming

Physical load

Standing and sitting.

Responsible for

Welcoming all attendees and provide first information. Sort out and prepare the badges and hand them out to attendees, volunteers and speakers at the check-in.

Reporting to

Volunteers Team

Shift length

Half day

Preparation needed

Know where the registration desk is and when you have to be there. Be on time! Registration starts early on the first dat of the event and all the preparation needs to be done by then. If you are not good at getting up early this is probably not the best job for you.